Creating GFX based on Falcon Punch graphics
Original Descriptor Source:
efCreateDesc dEFFalconPunchEffectDesc =
15, // DL Link
&gFTDataCaptainSpecial3, // Texture file
// DObj transformation struct 1
0x50, // Main matrix transformations
OMMtx_Transform_RotRpyR, // Secondary matrix transformations
0x00 // ???
// DObj transformation struct 2
OMMtx_Transform_Null, // Main matrix transformations
OMMtx_Transform_Null, // Secondary matrix transformations
0x00 // ???
func_ovl2_800FD5D8, // Proc Update
func_ovl0_800CB4B0, // Proc Render
&lEFFalconPunchDObjSetup, // DObj Setup attributes offset (?)
&lEFFalconPunchMObjSub, // MObjSub offset
0x0, // AnimJoint offset
&lEFFalconPunchMatAnimJoint // MatAnimJoint offset
- Edit Falcon Punch effect in vanilla using GE.
- You can export Falcon Punch, add textures using Special textures, then reimport the model.
If the graphic ends up dark ingame, you should update the shading color in GE to white.
Open game in emulator, add breakpoint at
- Right at the start of the function, it loads the address to A0. It has the whole struct. Copy any offsets from there
dw 0x020F0000
dw Character.TEST_file_8_ptr
dw 0x501C0000
OS.copy_segment(0xA9AF8, 0x0008)
dw my_update_routine_ // Here, I'm overwriting the ProcRender function
dw 0x00000040 // copied from the game's memory when playing ROM
dw 0x000001A0 // copied from the game's memory when playing ROM
dw 0x00000000 // copied from the game's memory when playing ROM
dw 0x000001FC // copied from the game's memory when playing ROM